Sunday, August 26, 2012

Flying Away

Butterflies are everywhere.  Granted, it is that time of year, but I never noticed before how frequently they appear in day to day life.  Flitting around flowerbeds, shimmering on a little girl's clothing, tattooed on a woman's shoulder blade--I can't seem to escape them (not that I'd want to).  I have to be honest, though, it has only been recently that I've noticed their constant presence.  I don't think butterflies have become any more "in season" or any more noticeable than before... I just hadn't been looking.

A little over a year ago, I went on a long walk to have a conversation with God.  It was my third summer at Geneva, and though camp is the greatest community I've ever been privileged enough to be a part of, on that particular day I was battling feelings of loneliness and insignificance.  I knew these were only feelings and not reality.  I knew God loved me and had given me a purpose, but that day I couldn't quite get the truth to wash over my insecurity.  So, as I walked along Lakeshore Dr., I hesitantly asked God if he would show me that he loved me. Now, I say hesitantly not because I didn't think he could or would, but because I didn't want to test him or be ungrateful for all the ways he had already given me so many tangible signs of his love.  Nevertheless, my tiny little prayer was answered immediately.  Before I even finished uttering my request, a beautiful butterfly (the first one I'd seen all summer) flew right in my path and landed on a flower right next to me.  With the butterfly's entrance, I sensed a whisper to my heart, "You're beautiful... I love you."

Ever since that moment, I've started to see God through the butterflies in my life.  There have been countless occurrences where a butterfly will pop into view at the exact moment I start to feel lonely, disheartened, or purposeless. In fact, during my last few days in Holland, when I wanted nothing more than to stay, I decided to go on a run.  As I was heading out, I began thinking about all of the people I wanted to stay connected with, and the idea for this blog popped into my head--the Chasing Butterflies title was my immediate inclination ;).  And AS SOON as I thought this, a beautiful monarch butterfly flew next to me, through the gate of Geneva Pines, and off into the world.  Metaphorical much?  In that moment it was as if God reminded me that he loves me and is with me even as I fly out of Geneva and into the unknown.   

Yes, I am aware that these are just butterflies, and, yes, they are everywhere... But so is God's love, isn't it?  God loves us all the time.  Always and Everywhere.  God loves me waaaaay more than the amount of butterflies I have seen and ever will see.  Even so, everytime I see a butterfly, it's a simple reminder that God loves me.  And the funny thing is, with each passing day I seem to see more and more butterflies.  More importantly, every day brings me more and more awareness of God's love.  And, yes, it's summer, so there are lots of butterflies to see, but when it's winter, I will look back and remember this moment.  Just because I can't see the butterflies, doesn't mean they are gone, and neither is God's love for me.

And so... this blog.  This blog is for the summer and the winter, the spring and the fall.  As I live my life, I want to look for and chase after the butterflies... I want to seek God with my whole heart and proclaim his faithfulness!  God is good, and he loves us.  A LOT.  His love is everywhere, whether we notice or not.

***Fun side story.  When I got home to Rockford, IL I realized that the street I've lived off of since I was 7 means "butterfly" in Spanish!  =)

A Cup of Water

For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward. Mark 9:41 ...