I'd like to begin this entry with a classic "Would-You-Rather?":
Would you rather...
1.) Be in a dimly lit room (where you look awesome but can't see so well)?
2.) Be in a well lit room (where you look awful but can see really well)?
Be honest with yourself...
Probably depends on who is with you right? I know a few guys I would choose number one for... Kidding ;) (Well, hopefully I'm kidding... I'm really good at self-deception, unfortunately).
Let's take the dimly lit scenario for a moment. Ever noticed the lighting for romantic dinner dates or parties? Low, low lighting. And not just because it's nighttime, let's be real--all the party host would need to do would be to get a higher power lightbulb. No, we like the dimmer lights because they make us look good.
Ever noticed the difference in dress once the lights go down? Heavier makeup, higher skirt lines, lower shirt lines. Glitzy, glammy, shiny... tacky.
Wait, did she just say "tacky"?
Yes, I did. Just turn on the lights and see for yourself. (No I'm not talking about a candle or a glowstick. Turn on the LEDs!)
How does all that caked on foundation, thick eyeliner, and fishnet stockings look now? Not so hot, huh?
I'm not here to harp on everyone's party-wear. Rather, I want to invite you to a better party. A well-lit one. But I have to warn you, the party-outfits we're used to wearing are going to look ridiculous at this one. Why? It's lit up by the sun.
I've been spending a lot of time in the Sermon on the Mount lately (read Matthew chapters 5-7), and the more I ponder these verses, the more it feels like Jesus took our heavily made-up lives and turned on the lights to our wilted hearts. He called out the religious leaders in his day who thought they looked pretty sexy in the low light of all their man-made rules and selective interpretations of the law.
"Don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't murder." Got that down--no prob! Throw in a few hand-outs to the needy (be sure to take a selfie with the hobo) and do a little fasting (another selfie--make a miserable face so people know how much we've suffered for God)! Oooo-weeeee we're lookin' HOT!
Then Jesus came along and turned on the lights. Rather, he dragged them out--party-wear and all--into the noonday sun. And not only did he expose their made-up faces, he exposed their hearts. Our hearts.
Don't murder or you'll be guilty? Well, guess what--all that anger in your heart towards your brother? You're guilty, too. You say don't commit adultery? Gotta break it to you--you even look at a woman with lustful intentions and you've already committed adultery with her in your heart. Love your friends? Great for you! What about your enemies? Love them, too.
I ask you again: Would you rather...
1.) Be in a dimly lit world (where you look awesome to everyone else but can't see so well)?
2.) Be in a well lit world (where you may look awful to others but see really well)?
I am not saying I always do this well myself, and yet I want to advocate for number 2. Why? Spending time in Matthew 5-7 is wrecking me. The more I spend looking at how righteous Jesus is (Christiany word basically meaning when someone "is as he/she ought to be"), the more I discover how unrighteous I am.
Let's compare shall we? The irritation that bubbled up in me when the neighbor girl kept running away from me when I told her it was time to leave Micah VS. the anger of the fourteen-year-old street kid who just threw a desk at a teacher. I'd say I win that one, right? Victory for me! Not so fast. Not only would it be wrong for me to try and judge our hearts (that's God's job), but let's throw another competitor into the mix: The Righteous One. What did he do when his enemies nailed him to a piece of wood and spit on his face? Asked his Father to forgive them. Oh... Maybe I don't want to play this game. My bad... (Besides, I may be less angry than I used to be, but let's not dig up past self).
Alright, so the Son is bright. Blinding even. But I am still here to advocate for number 2. Why? Seeing how brilliant he is is the very thing that lights up my world! I have found such joy and life in soaking up how beautiful he is rather than concerning myself with how beautiful I appear. He's so good, and the fact that he is so so so much more good than I can ever fathom makes the fact that he loves me ohhhhh so much more incredible. And here's the kicker: looking at him makes me look better to. Maybe not to you. But to him. (And that matters more to me.) His word soaking into my heart is giving me a beautiful bronze... little by little. And I wanted you to know that so you can get one, too. Get out in the Son, it's good for you.
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